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Matt Trevithick

Managing Partner

Matt co-founded Leitmotif in 2023 with Jens Wiese. He has diverse experience as an investor, advisor and operator across a spectrum of technologies, sectors and stages. Having co-founded two startups that exited profitably, Matt has tremendous empathy for the entrepreneurial journey and knows what it takes to drive successful outcomes. He especially enjoys working with deep tech founders to demystify the capital planning and fundraising processes necessary to adequately resource their ventures. He is based in Palo Alto, California.

Previously, Matt was a Partner at DCVC focused on later stage climate tech investments and served on the board of Fervo Energy. Before that, Matt was the COO of Google Quantum AI, where his team was the first to demonstrate that a quantum computer could surpass the capa­bil­i­ties of the most powerful classical super­com­puters in specific tasks. Matt also led a seminal reeval­u­a­tion of cold fusion that included sponsored research at MIT and other univer­si­ties, and facilitated Alphabet’s investment in Common­wealth Fusion Systems.

Prior to joining Google, Matt was a Partner at Venrock, focusing on investments in clean energy tech­nolo­gies. His investments included Lucid Motors, Phononic, Nest and TAE Tech­nolo­gies (fusion). Early in his career, Matt worked in project finance and traded currency options.

Matt earned a bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and a master’s degree in Management from MIT’s Sloan School of Management.